Tears of the last dragon (My version of the story)

Once upon a time, at the end of Dragons Era, the last dragon was flying to the nest. Three eggs waiting to be warmed. Three dragons waiting to be borne.
By chance, the last Dragon hunter happened to be on Her way. He did his duty with that iron weapon, a very long and sharp spear. The Dragon was hurt to death.
She was a mother of three so, in a very deep and strong desperation, collected the last breath aiming for the nest. On her last way home, the Dragon cried because she was not sure if able to reach the eggs. Her big tears drooped down turning into gemstones before reaching land. Almost there, only three feet away the eggs, she died.
Long after this happened, a gemstone “hunter”, searching for his treasures, happened to find one of the tears. It was a small stone, one he had never seen before, with sparkling shades of grey and blue. Astonished he continued the hunting all way long, up to a cave in the mountain. It was there that he discovered the most unseen scene in his life: A huge skeleton of dragon, stretched to the maximum till three feet close of a big nest. At the nest, three huge eggs lying, still waiting for the dragon mamma to come. At the place where once upon a times there were two big eyes, it was the biggest and the most beautiful gemstone the stone-hunter had ever seen. The last one. He reached for the stone, took it on his hands and something unusual happened. He burst into tears. His cry raised and echoed on the cave so loud....
He couldn't take the stone. Instead, he emptied the bag to the nest and left the cave crying and hating himself and all the hunters for the stupidity of their greed....
-the end-
p.s.After that it was created the game of thrones